
Welcome to the REBASE documentation. Here you'll find comprehensive guides and documentation to help you start working with REBASE as quickly as possible.

What is REBASE?

REBASE is a price-stable but supply volatile cryptocurrency that targets the 0.001 dollar. It is used as a unit of account and collateral asset.

Key Features

  • Price-stability through supply adjustments
  • Non-dilutive supply
  • Robust rebasing mechanism
  • Decentralized Oracle

Elastic Supply

REBASE's elastic supply mechanism is the core feature that enables price stability without collateralization.

How it Works

When demand for REBASE changes, instead of the price changing, the protocol adjusts the supply of tokens in every wallet proportionally.

Supply Adjustments

  • Positive Rebase: Supply increases when price > $0.001
  • Negative Rebase: Supply decreases when price < $0.001
  • No Rebase: Supply remains stable when price ≈ $0.001

Rebase Mechanism

The rebase mechanism adjusts the token supply based on price data from trusted oracles.

// Example rebase calculation
const targetPrice = 0.001; // 0.001 USD
const currentPrice = 0.1; // Current market price
const deviation = currentPrice / targetPrice;
const rebaseFactor = Math.log(deviation) / Math.log(2);

Rebase Schedule

  • Occurs once every hour
  • Based on volume-weighted average price
  • Applies to all holders proportionally

Price Oracle

REBASE uses a decentralized oracle network to obtain reliable price data for rebasing.

Oracle Features

The oracle system aggregates price data from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.

// Accessing oracle data
const oracle = await REBASE.getOracle();
const price = await oracle.getData();
const sources = await oracle.getSources();
const lastUpdate = await oracle.getLastUpdate();

Supply Policy

The supply policy governs how REBASE's total supply changes in response to market conditions.

Key Components

  • Target Price Band
  • Rebase Thresholds
  • Supply Adjustment Formula
// Supply policy parameters
    const PRICE_BAND = 0.05; // ±5% threshold
    const MAX_SUPPLY_INCREASE = 0.10; // 10% max increase
    const MAX_SUPPLY_DECREASE = 0.10; // 10% max decrease


The REBASE protocol incorporates a 10% transaction tax, which is strategically allocated to ensure long-term price stability and ecosystem sustainability.

How the Treasury Works

The collected 10% tax on each transaction is accumulated in the REBASE Treasury, primarily in SOL, and is utilized as follows:

Buyback and Burn Mechanism

If the REBASE price falls below the target price, the protocol automatically utilizes the accumulated SOL to buy back and burn REBASE tokens. This reduces the circulating supply, applying deflationary pressure to restore price equilibrium. The buyback and burn mechanism ensures REBASE remains aligned with its 0.001 dollar target.

About the REBASE Protocol

The REBASE protocol is a set of instructions on the Solana blockchain that produces a decentralized unit of account called REBASE. The REBASE token is the primary building block of the REBASE Elastic Finance Ecosystem. It is used for lending & borrowing, for the creation of derivatives, and as collateral for a decentralized stablecoin.

How the REBASE Protocol Works

The REBASE Protocol targets the 0.001 US dollar and automatically expands or contracts the quantity of tokens in user wallets based on price. Think of REBASE as similar to Bitcoin, except the number of REBASE tokens in your wallet increases when there's more demand and decreases when there's less demand.

Applications and Use Cases

Price volatility prevents modern day cryptocurrencies from functioning as units of account. This function of money is important because it enables the denomination of predictable contracts that can serve as the basis of more complex banking systems.

Decentralized Lending

REBASE eliminates dependency on centralized stablecoins and enables sustainable lending and borrowing on decentralized lending platforms. When a loan is denominated in REBASE, borrowers can be reasonably certain that the cost of repayment will be stable in the long run due to REBASE's mean-reverting price.

Decentralized Derivatives

REBASE enables the creation of on-chain derivatives without added oracle risk. For example, the protocol allows splitting the stock-volatility of REBASE into senior (low-risk) and junior (high-risk) tranches through smart contracts.

Decentralized Stablecoin Collateral

Senior tranches of REBASE derivatives can be used as transparent and robust collateral for crypto-collateralized stablecoins. This reduces reliance on centralized stablecoins as collateral, making the system more decentralized.

Oracle Risk Management

The REBASE protocol accepts price data through a network of Oracles. While Oracle attacks can temporarily affect supply adjustments, the protocol's proportional and non-custodial nature ensures that no funds can be stolen or redistributed through Oracle manipulation.

Additional Protocol Details

  • Supply adjustments (rebases) occur every hour
  • Rebases only trigger when price deviates by > 5% from target
  • Supply changes are proportional and non-dilutive
  • Users maintain their percentage ownership unless they trade


A glossary of terms commonly used when describing the Rebase Ecosystem


Derivates are a specific type of financial asset whose value depends solely on an underlying financial asset.


Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies designed to be a refuge from volatility. The most common types include fiat collateralized stablecoins, crypto-collateralized stablecoins, and algorithmic stablecoins. Although REBASE has a price target, it should not be considered a stablecoin because holders of the token experience supply volatility comparable to that of a typical floating price token.

Store of Value

In economics, store of value is a monetary function. A store of value is an asset, commodity, or currency that can be saved, retrieved, and exchanged in the future without deteriorating in value.

Unit of Account

In economics, unit of account is monetary function. Money acts as a standard measure and a common denomination of trade. It is thus a basis for quoting and bargaining of prices. It is necessary for developing efficient accounting systems. More than a measure, the unit of account is the actual asset tendered upon completion of an agreement. REBASE is a unit-of-account token.